- S. V. Petrov, T. Y. Katırcıoğlu, ‘’Technological aspects of steam-water plasma (Технологические аспекты пароводяной плазмы)’’, ISBN 978-617-7015-83-2, 2018. [in English and Russian]
- KATIRCIOGLU T.Y., VURAL E.S. (2014). Gasification of Coal. Plasma Technologies (pp. 155-167) Ankara, Ürün Yayınları, ISBN 978-605-4938-12-4, 2014. [in Turkish]
- T. Yasar Katircioglu, and Ismail Rafatov.”Analysis of parameters of coaxial dielectric barrier discharges in argon flow at atmospheric pressure“Journal of Applied Physics 129, 153305 (2021); https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0045465
- T. Yasar Katircioglu, and Ismail Rafatov.”Parametric study of barrier discharge in atmospheric pressure argon “,Journal of Applied Physics,Vol.28,İssue 11(2021)
- T. Yasar Katircioglu, Murat Toksavul, Mehmet Tabak, Çağlar Terzi.” Effect of Supplementary Cyan Light to Deep Red and Royal Blue Range Wavelengths on the Seedling Period of Iceberg Lettuces“, (2019)
- Sedanur Toraman, T. Yaşar Katırcıoğlu. “Further Characteristic Analysis of the AC Plasmatron”, International Journal of Engineering Research and Development (IJERD), e-ISSN: 2278-067X, p-ISSN: 2278-800X, Volume 15, Issue 3, pp.29-39, 2019.
- T. Yaşar Katırcıoğlu, Tuğrul Karagul, Mehmet Tabak. “The Effect of Supplementary Cyan Light to Deep Red and Royal Blue Range Wavelength”, International Journal of Anatolia Agricultural Engineering (Waiting Response – in Turkish)
- T. Yaşar Katırcıoğlu, Berkay Dur, Tuğrul Karagul, Mehmet Tabak . “Effect of Supplementary Cyan Light to Deep Red and Royal Blue Range Wavelength on the Cultivation of TAMARA F1 Pepper” European Journal of Agriculture and Forestry Research (EJAFR) Vol.7, No.3, pp.30-44, August 2019
- T. Yaşar Katırcıoğlu, Berkay Dur, Mehmet Tabak. “Effect of LED Lighting System in Addition to Sunlight in Hydroponic Tomato Cultivation” (Waiting Response – in Turkish)
- T. Yaşar Katırcıoğlu, Berkay Dur, Mehmet Tabak. “Hydroponic Tomato Growing in Ankara Climate Conditions.” Nevsehir Journal of Science and Technology, 2019. (Waiting Response – in Turkish)
- T. Yaşar Katırcıoğlu, Murat Toksavul, Mehmet Tabak, Çağlar Terzi. “Effect of Supplementary Cyan Light to Deep Red and Royal Blue Range Wavelengths on the Seedling Period of Iceberg Lettuces.” Journal of Biology, Agriculture and Healthcare, 2019 View Article
- T. Yaşar Katırcıoğlu, A. Serhan Solak, Sedanur Toraman, Murat Toksavul, A Review on Plasma Gasification of Biomass and Conversion to Jet Fuel, IISTE- Journal of Energy Technologies and Policy, 2018.
- S. V. Petrov, Y. L. Zabulonov, T. Y. Katırcıoğlu, Plasma Lighting System of Low-Reactive Fuels for Boilers, International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology, Volume :7, Issue:3, March 2018.
- S. V. Petrov, Y. L. Zabulonov, T. Y. Katırcıoğlu, Plasma Lighting System For Low-Quality Fuel To Generate Heat (СИСТЕМА ПЛАЗМЕННОЙ ПОДСВЕТКИ, НИЗКОРЕАКЦИОННЫХ ТОПЛИВ ДЛЯ ТЕПЛОАГРЕГАТОВ), Study for the Way, Tavri National University, Series: Engineering Vol. 29 (68) No. 1 2018, Part 2, Kyiv 2018.
- Ö. Yazıcıoğlu, T. Y. Katırcıoğlu, Ü. Erözbek Güngör, Spectroscopic and Diagnostic Analysis of a High Power AC Plasmatron, International Journal of Current Research, Vol.9, Issue 10, ISSN:0975-833x,( 2017).
- S. Toraman, T. Y. Katırcıoğlu, Ç. Terzi, The High-Power Arc-Jet Plasma Generator (Plasma Torch) Characteristics and Performance, International Journal of Engineering Technology and Scientific Innovation, ISSN:2456-1851, Volume: 02, Issue: 04, September – October 2017, pp.680-699.
- T. Y. Katırcıoğlu, E. Bozkurt, A. T. Balkan, İndüksiyon Eşlenikli Argon Plazmasında Akış Debisi ve Bobin Lokasyonunun Sistem Çalışma Parametrelerine Etkisi ile İlgili Simülasyonlar, Akademik Platform Fen Bilimleri ve Mühendislik Dergisi APJES 5-2 (2017), Sayfa 29-38, Mayıs 2017.
- Ö. Yazıcıoğlu, T. Y. Katırcıoğlu, Applications of Plasma Technology in Energy Sector, Kırklareli Üniversitesi Mühendislik ve Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, 3, 18-44, (2017).
- T. Y. Katırcıoğlu, S. Toraman, Ç. Terzi, Review on the Need of a More Efficient Three-Phase AC Plasma Combustion/Gasification System for All Solid Waste Including Hazardous and Biomass, International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications, ISSN: 2248-6922, Vol.7 – Issue 10 (October, 2017).
- Ö. Yazıcıoğlu, T. Y. Katırcıoğlu, B. İbrahimoğlu, Optik Emisyon Spektrometre Kullanılarak Yüksek Güçlü Bir Plazmatron Plazma Akışı Sıcaklık Ölçümü, Sühad, Sürdürülebilir Havacılık Araştırmaları Dergisi, 2- 1, (2017).